We have tried to ensure that The Foresters website is accessible to all audiences, including those with visual impairments or other disabilities. We have worked hard to ensure that the website complies with best practice regarding accessibility. If you have any questions or comments please contact us at the following email address: info@foresters-dining.co.uk
Standards Compliance
The pages of this site is written in HTML5. All pages on this site make use of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS3), written in well-formed code. Content remains readable without the use of Style Sheets.
Links & Images
Links have been written to make sense out of context.
All images include an ‘ALT’ attribute. All images are optimised to reduce file size without compromising quality. This is to facilitate fast download times for all users, regardless of the speed of their internet connection.
Browser Support
The website has been tested in all major browsers.
Further Assistance
If you require further assistance accessing any of the content on this website, or would like to contact us for any reason, you can email us at info@foresters-dining.co.uk